Time for a career change?
Need to find direction?
But how ?
A group coaching program for people who are wondering if their job is right for them who are feeling stuck and dissatisfied and thinking about making the next move.
10 weeks of live group coaching, learning all the tools I teach my clients, putting them into practice and getting real-time feedback and results.
This programme provides everything I teach my clients – the tools you need to lay the groundwork using my Soul Search – Research – Job Search framework.
By the end of the programme you will finally figure out what you want…..
You'll uncover your natural gifts and secret desires, identify your ideal career ingredients, and choose a feel-good path.
Be inspired by the job possibilities out there that you didn’t know existed
Brush up your networking and interviewing skills
Get help updating and polishing your CV and LinkedIn profile
You'll feel driven, motivated, and full of purpose to move out of paralysis and into action.
Live weekly calls give you the gentle kick in the pants you need to get moving.
Once you've nailed down what you want out of your career, we'll create a flexible strategy for moving forward, whether you're looking for a tiny tweak or a total 180.

This is your ticket to getting unstuck once and for all.
Because being lost feels shitty.
Because there IS something better out there for you.
And because it’s about damn time you got unstuck.

About group coaching
It’s amazing how much can happen when you work with a group, because we all learn from each other. We support each other, and there’s something special about knowing you’re not alone.
We meet via zoom once a week for 90 min in a group, to learn new tools and get coaching.
9 weeks of group coaching - and 1 private 60 minute coaching session midway through the programme.
You’ll be invited to be part of a private facebook group, where we have real time discussions, and trouble shoot whatever’s going on throughout the day. Providing accountability, community, encouragement, motivation, and real time learning.
You’ll receive weekly downloads to print out, so you’ll always have notes on what I teach
I provide videos for the time you’re in the programme, so you can go back and watch any lesson.
Bonus lessons as required
Next Group Dates and Details
This career change programme runs for the duration of school term.
(No workshops during the NZ school hols).
Only open to 12 participants
Email me if you’re interested in putting your name down to be part of the Term 1 group

Here’s the syllabus
Soul Search
Taking stock
Discover your gifts, passions and purpose – things that motivate and drive you
Explore the work environment your personality needs to thrive (this includes doing the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment)
Find specific careers that suit you – marketplace exploration
Overcome your fears & build your confidence and career mindset
Find a profitable niche by talking to experts in the field
Learn how to do informational interview by using my templates and know what questions to ask
Test drive your career to make sure it’s the right fit
Build Resilience & Grit For Greatness
Claim your path - decision making activities to get that last little bit of clarity
Job Search
Make the change without jumping off a cliff - how to use your existing career as a launching pad for your future path so you don’t have to start from zero
Learn effective job search strategies – it’s not just about looking at Seek.
Write your elevator pitch
Review you CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profile
How to use your network to tap into the hidden job market
How to ace your interview – how to craft your elevator pitch
Why Group Coaching?
It’s a more affordable alternative to working 1:1 with a career coach, life coach, or career counsellor – and you still get the benefit of live group coaching with me and personalised online coaching in the discussion forum.